Class 2 Exercise List

© 2019-2024 Laszlo I. Nemeth

Sky reach

Do this exercise first as the picture shows, on both sides. Then, do the same exercise on both sides, but tilt your head back and look up to the ceiling.

Shoulder cross reach 1 start

Shoulder cross reach 1 end

Shoulder cross reach 10 start

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 Start

Shoulder cross reach 10 end, back view

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 End

Shoulder cross reach 10 end

Since this picture was taken we have changed the position of the supporting hand that’s holding onto the bent elbow. Now, just on this last motion, we move the supporting hand over its own shoulder. This way we have a better position to pull on the other hand, thus, extending the fascia on the opposite side.

Shoulder Cross Reach 10 End

Vertical arm swing

Head roll

I have no picture for this, because there is no still picture that would represent this adequately.

Sit on your knees in a comfortable position, or stand. Roll your head in clockwise direction and include as much of your upper body in the motion as you can, without straining yourself or falling over. After you made 4 repetitions, change direction to counterclockwise and do 4 repetitions.

Pretzel, phase 1, bent leg

For now, if you can’t do it comfortably with the bottom leg bent, just do this with a straight leg. Then, for phase 2 and 3 bend the bottom leg. It’s easier to do those with bent knee.

Pretzel, phase 2, bent leg

Pretzel, Phase 2 (Head to Foot)

Pretzel, phase 3, bent leg

Pretzel, Phase 3 (Shoulder to Foot)

Bent knee down 45°, start position

Bent Knee Down 45° Start Position

Bent knee down 45°, end position

Bent Knee Down 45° End Position

Leg and hip flex, Knee up, phase 1

External Rotation

External rotation

External Rotation

Bent Knee up 45° on side, starting position

Bent Knee Up 45° Start Position

Bent Knee up 45° on side, end position

Bent Knee Up 45° End Position

Internal rotation

Internal Rotation